2024 the 9TH International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics
April 25-27, 2024 // Chengdu, China


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中新网四川新闻报道: http://www.sc.chinanews.com.cn/kjws/2024-04-26/208408.html

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2024 the 9TH International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA) was held in Chengdu, China, between 25-27 April 2024.

第十届云计算与大数据分析国际会议(2024 the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics)在西华大学学术交流中心召开。此次会议由IEEE(电气电子工程师学会)、四川省电子学会主办,国家基因库(CNGB)联合主办,西华大学、四川省电子学会青年人才工作委员会承办。会议采用线上线下相结合的方式进行。作为获得“川渝最具影响力学术活动奖”殊荣的ICCCBDA大会,旨在为云计算与大数据分析相关领域的专家、学者交流最新研究成果、探讨学术前沿方向提供高质量的交流平台。




Keynote Speakers:

Qingfu Zhang, 长江学者、IEEE Fellow, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Prof. Jixin Ma, University of Greenwich, UK

Prof. Fei Teng, Southwest Jiaotong University, China

Prof. Xianyong Li, Xihua University, China

Shigang Chen, IEEE Fellow, University of Florida, America


Invited Speakers:

Hossam A. Gabbar,Director of Smart Energy Systems Lab, Ontario Tech University, Canada

Gou Haosong, Mobile Group Sichuan Co., Ltd., China

Zhang Shiling, State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company, China


Excellent Oral Presentations

Task Offloading in Edge Computing System with Deep Reinforcement Learning and Reward Shaping
Authors: Huishi Zhao, Yitong Liu, Xingcheng Liu
Presenter: Huishi Zhao, Sun Yat-sen University, China

Gated Spatial-Temporal Graph Attention Network for Traffic Flow
Authors: Xinhua Dong, Zhanyi Zhu, Zhigang Xu, Hongmu Han, Wanbo Zhao, Yupeng Lei
Presenter: Zhanyi Zhu, Hubei University of Technology, China

Scalable Storage and Querying of RDF graphs with DynamoDB
Authors: Andre Kashliev
Presenter: Andre Kashliev, Eastern Michigan University, United States

Cross-Modality Transformer with Mixed Data Augmentation Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification
Authors: Shilong An, Jilin Chen, Jianyu Xu, Kai Kang, Ruichun Tang
Presenter: Shilong An, Ocean University of China, China

Multi-channel high-speed signal acquisition system based on EV10AQ190A and V7
Authors: Dihong Xie, Jin Wu, Bo Zhao, Wenting Pang
Presenter: Dihong Xie, Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Students' Motivation and Perceptions in an AI Chatbot-based Climate Change Classroom
Authors: Hui-Wen Huang, Tsung-Shu Chang
Presenter: Hui-Wen Huang, Shaoguan University, China

Using Autoregressive Polynomial Regression Models to Study Moisture Content Dynamics in Wood
Authors: Yurong Zhu, Xiaohuan Wang, Ziqiong Zha, Wei Song
Presenter: Yurong Zhu, Dalarna University, Sweden