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Introduction of Key Lab of Cloud Computing & Intelligent Technology
Welcome to Key Lab of Cloud Computing & Intelligent Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, 610031, China. The Key Lab of Cloud Computing and Intelligent Technology (CCIT), Sichuan Province, carries out research on the theories, applications and product development of intelligent information processing to serve the national strategy and aim at the international frontier. It has established a wide range of cooperation and exchanges with the domestic and foreign universities, research institutes and enterprises. It makes efforts to cultivate inter-disciplinary talents with big data thinking, cloud computing capabilities and international vision.
Presently, it has 23 PhD students (including 8 foreign students) and more than 80 MA.Eng students (including 3 foreign students). Over 200 papers have been published in the international journals, e.g., IEEE TKDE, IEEE TEC, IEEE TFS, IEEE TIFS, IEEE ASLP, IEEE TIE, IEEE TC, IEEE TVT and first-tier domestic journals, e.g., SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Chinese Journal of Computers, Journal of Software, Journal of Computer Research and Development, Acta Electronica Sinica, Journal on Communications, as well as international conferences, e.g., KDD, IJCAI, SDM. I paper was selected as the ESI hot paper and 7 papers were ESI highly cited papers. More than 30 papers were in the first or second levels of CAS partition. 6 monographs, 9 SCI journal special issues, 1 EI journal special issue and 16 international conference proceedings have been published. Over a hundred of graduate students (including 6 Post-Docs, 9 Doctors) have been trained.
Their employment units include Microsoft Research Asia, Sichuan University, Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent and Huawei. They have received 2 “Si Shi Yang Hua” Medals, Best Papers/Dissertation Awards 11 times, Champion of Sina Weibo Interaction-prediction at Tianchi Big Data Competition (Bonus 200,000 RMB) and the First Place of National Contests several times. CCIT has a "Dual Doctoral Degree Program" with University of Technology Sydney, Australia. Its members have visited Stanford University, University of California, Berkeley, Georgia State University, University of Waterloo, University of Alberta, University of Regina, Leeds University, Ecole Centrale Paris, Ensait, University of Technology Sydney, Belgium Nuclear Research Center, Ghent University, Hasselt University, National University of Singapore, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Polytechnic University, Macau University and many famous companies, e.g., Microsoft, Google, IBM, Facebook, HP, Cisco.
The experts at home and abroad are invited for academic exchange more than 20 times each year. CCIT has held 2 international conferences and 3 international symposia, hosted 2 international conferences and 1 national conference and co-hosted 7 international conferences with Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shenzhen University, University of Technology Sydney, Hasselt University and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, respectively. Its members have been invited to deliver 10 keynotes and 3 tutorials at international conferences and 2 keynotes at national conferences as well as more than 10 times speeches at universities at home and abroad.
欢迎广大学者教授莅临四川省云计算与智能技术高校重点实验室, 地址:中国四川省成都市西南交通大学, 01519#(邮编:610031)。实验室简介:西南交通大学“云计算与智能技术”四川省高校重点实验室以服务国家战略和立足国际前沿为目标,围绕云计算与大数据、粗糙集与粒计算、数据挖掘与机器学习、模式识别与认知计算的理论与应用技术开展研究及产品研发,先后与国内外多个高校、科研院所及企业建立了广泛的科技合作与交流关系,并努力培养具有大数据思维、云计算能力以及国际视野的复合型人才。 实验室的学术主要带头人为李天瑞教授(比利时博士后,IRSS Fellow)、杨燕教授(加拿大访问学者)、洪西进教授(台湾博士)和郑宇教授(MIT TR35)。现团队共有成员15人,其中教授、博导4人、副教授5人和讲师6人。目前在读博士研究生23人(其中留学生8人)、硕士研究生80余人(其中留学生3人)。 主要研究方向包括:云计算,大数据,数据挖掘与机器学习,模式识别与认知计算,粗糙集与粒计算。
近年来主持包括国际合作项目2项,国家科技支撑计划、国家自然科学基金项目等国家级项目16项和省部级科研项目11项以及来自工业界的合作研究课题。出版专著6部,国际会议论文集16部,在IEEE TKDE,IEEE TEC,IEEE TFS,IEEE TIFS,IEEE ASLP,IEEE TIE,IEEE TC,IEEE TVT等国际期刊,《中国科学》、《软件学报》、《计算机学报》、《计算机研究与发展》、《电子学报》和《通信学报》等国内重要期刊以及KDD、IJCAI、SDM等国际会议上发表学术论文200余篇(被SCI检索80余篇,EI检索200余篇, 入选ESI热点论文1篇和高被引论文7篇)。在国际国内会议做大会特邀报告或指南报告20余次。申请国家发明专利10余项,授权3项;申请软件著作权2项,授权1项,获得国际/全国会议优秀论文奖7项。
团队积极开展国际交流与合作,与微软亚洲研究院、华为诺亚方舟实验室(香港)和硅谷DoCoMo公司等国内外知名科研机构和企业等有密切合作。已与澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(The University of Technology, Sydney)签署协议,开展“双博士学位”项目,联合培养博士研究生。近年来赴境外学术机构如斯坦福大学、加州大学伯克利分校、滑铁卢大学、悉尼科技大学等高校和Google、Facebook、IBM、HP等公司交流和访问20余人次,年均邀请国外专家学者来交流与合作10余人次。曾作为IEEE ICCC2015会议主席以及ISKE2007-2016、DSC2014、ISTDGC2013、ISBAST2013、JRS2012、FLINS2010、MDMKD2010-2009、RSKT2008和ISKE2007程序/组织委员会主席,主/承办了10余个国际/全国学术会议/研讨会。
邮箱: icccbda@young.ac.cn | 联系电话:028-86527868 / 180-3055-9376
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