News update & announcement


Good News!

ICCCBDA 2024 conference proceedings is online in IEEE Xplore:


Good News!

2025 the 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA), held in Chengdu, China, between 25-27 April 2025.








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ICCCBDA 2024 news report on 四川省电子学会 platform. Click

ICCCBDA 2024 news report on 四川省电子学会 Wechat platform. Click

ICCCBDA 2024 news report on SWJTU Wechat platform. Click

ICCCBDA 2024 is listed in IEEE conference calendar (Click)

ICCCBDA 2024 news report on 四川省电子学会 platform. Click

ICCCBDA 2023 conference proceedings is online via

ICCCBDA 2023 news report on SWJTU platform. Click

ICCCBDA 2023 is listed in IEEE Conference Calendar. Click

ICCCBDA 2022 proceedings is indexed by Ei Compendex 1 month after the conference Click

ICCCBDA 2022 论文集在会后1个月上线 IEEE Xplore

中国电子学会 CIE 60周年系列活动 | 四川省电子学会成功举办2022年第七届云计算与大数据分析国际会议 Click

四川省电子学会成功举办2022年第七届云计算与大数据分析国际会议 Click

ICCCBDA 2021 proceedings is indexed by EI Compendex & SCOPUS in 2 months after conference. ICCCBDA 2021 论文集会后两个月被检索
2020年12月10日,由四川省科学技术协会和重庆市科学技术协会共同举办的首届川渝科技学术大会暨四川科技学术大会上,ICCCBDA 2020 获得年度川渝最具影响力学术活动奖 Click
2020年5月IEEE中国会议重启计划分享会上,ICCCBDA 2020被做为疫情期间在线会议的优秀案例,分享交流经验,感谢 IEEE China对ICCCBDA会议组织的认可
ICCCBDA 2020 论文集在会后1个月上线 IEEE Xplore , 会后2个月左右被EI Compendex & SCOPUS 双检索!

ICCCBDA 2019 proceedings has been indexed by EI Compendex. 会后3个月ICCCBDA 2019论文集被EI COMPENDEXH核心收录. Click

ICCCBDA 2019 proceedings has been archived in IEEE Xplore. 会后1个半月内ICCCBDA 2019会议论文集被IEEE Xplore 数据库在线收录  Click

四川省电子学会关于 ICCCBDA 2019 会后新闻报道.  Click 四川省科学技术协会关于 ICCCBDA 2019 会后新闻报道.  Institute of Semiconductors, CAS recommends ICCCBDA 2019. Click China Computer Federation archived ICCCBDA 2018's information. / 中国计算机学会 (CCF) 收录 ICCCBDA 2018 会议召开信息 Click ICCCBDA 2018 proceedings has been indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus. ICCCBDA 2018 会议论文集会后3个月被 EI Compendex 和 SCOPUS 检索。 ICCCBDA 2018 proceedings has been archived into IEEE Xplore. ICCCBDA 2018 会后一个半月上线 IEEE Xplore数据库 Click四川省电子学会关于 ICCCBDA 2018 会后新闻报道. Click
Website of Shanghai Jiaotong University recommends ICCCBDA 2018 conference. Click
ICCCBDA 2018 has been listed in Sciencemeeting Online, which is administrated by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. Click
ICCCBDA 2018 目前已经进入由中国教育部主管的中国学术会议在线会议列表
ICCCBDA 2017 proceedings has been included into IEEE Xplore Click ICCCBDA 2017会议论文集已经进入IEEE Xplore 数据库
The proceedings of ICCCBDA 2016 has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.ICCCBDA 2016论文集已被Ei核心检索以及Scopus检索 ClickICCCBDA 2017 has been listed in Sciencemeeting Online, which is administrated by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. ICCBDA 2017进入由中国教育部主管的中国学术会议在线会议列表
感谢四川省科协对ICCCBDA 2016会议的报道!
感谢中国科协对ICCCBDA 2016会议的报道!
ICCCBDA 2016 has been listed in Sciencemeeting Online, which is administrated by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. ICCCBDA 2016进入由中国教育部主管的中国学术会议在线会议列表